The userlevel lets you choose who can execute certain commands. Userlevel and cooldown are essential features of any Nightbot command. Other default commands are designed to run a pre-set commercial during your stream (“!commercial”) allow users to create a time marker in your stream (“!marker”), and request songs (“!songs”), and more. You can allow moderators to create a poll in your Twitch chat by entering the “!poll” command. The “!game” command shows the name of the game you’re playing in the chat. To allow moderators to make changes to spam filters, type in “!filters.” To see the full list of channel commands, type in “!commands” to your Twitch chat. You don’t necessarily have to add or manage commands when registering the Nightbot – some of the basic commands are already set up by default. Twitch bots even allow to make song requests and more – streamers have the ability to create custom commands.z What Are the Default Nightbot Commands? Bots can also be used for promoting streamers’ social media accounts or greeting new viewers with the help of command timers.